English information about Gedragstherapie

Aims & Scope

Gedragstherapie: Tijdschrift voor gedragstherapie en cognitieve therapie (ISSN 0167-7454, published since 1968) aims to publish scientific research (including psychometric research), theoretical articles, literature reviews, case studies and book reviews in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy. Readers are mainly clinical cognitive behavioral therapists.


Gedragstherapie has the following categories:


  1. Article (experimental or clinical research, case descriptions, literature review). For case descriptions to be eligible for publication, they must concern special problem behaviors, treatment methods and/or results.
  2. Kort instrumenteel (Short Instrumental). Contributions for the Kort instrumenteel section must meet the following conditions:

    - the described instrument must be useful for cognitive behavioral therapy;

    - questionnaires, interview schedules, behavioral measures, tasks and measuring equipment are eligible for discussion;

    - the contribution discusses measurement intention, implementation, possible availability, scoring and use;

    - the concise bibliography lists source publication(s) and the (most important) Dutch and/or Flemish research;

    - the conclusion summarizes the usefulness of the described instrument.

  3. Forum. Contributions include a critical, stimulating discussion of a current theme that is interesting for the readership of practicing cognitive behavioral therapists.
  4. Boekbespreking (Book review). In a book review, the target group, objective and content are briefly discussed, and the majority (two-thirds of the discussion) of the discussion should be devoted to a critical reflection on the book, whereby the content is compared to recent scientific research, literature, professional literature and developments in practice.


Peer review process

Gedragstherapie is a peer-reviewed journal. This means that all original contributions are assessed by peer reviewers, except for the book reviews (which are assessed by the editors), and that publication of a submitted contribution is not guaranteed in advance. When assessing a manuscript, the editors assume that the manuscript has not been or will not be submitted to another Dutch journal at the same time and has not already been published or will not be published in another Dutch journal. The editors only accept Dutch contributions with an English abstract.


Guidelines for authors you find here.


Ownership and management

Since 1983, the publication of Gedragstherapie has been managed by the Stichting Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie, which includes representatives of the Association for Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy (VGCt) in a personal capacity and the Flemish Association for Behavioral Therapy (VVGT).


The editorial work is provided by an editorial staff independent of the Stichting Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie. The editorial team is composed of Dutch and Flemish representatives of the most important subfields within cognitive behavioral therapy.


From 1987 to 2004 it was published by Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. From January 2004 to 2013, the publication was provided by Koninklijke Van Gorcum. From January 2014, the publication is provided by Boom Publishers.


Governing body, Editorial team, Contact information

Governing body

Kim de Jong, PhD, Leiden University, chair

Tine Daseleire, dehuispsycholoog.be

Elske Salemink, PhD, Utrecht University

Ellen Vedel, PhD, Sinai Centre, PuntP, Novarum


Editorial team

Elske Salemink, PhD, Utrecht University, Editor-in-Chief

Hermien Elgersma, PhD, Accare, University of Groningen, PPO

Arnold van Emmerik, PhD, University of Amsterdam

Kristof Hoorelbeke, PhD, Ghent University, Praktijk de Golfbreker

Jaap Lancee, PhD, University of Amsterdam

Miriam Lommen, PhD, University of Groningen

Margreet Oorschot, PhD, GGZ Delfland

Sara Scheveneels, PhD, Maastricht University, KU Leuven

Anouk Vanden Bogaerde, PhD, Ghent University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Praktijk De Burcht

Leentje Vervoort, PhD, Radboud University


Contact information

Editorial secretariat

Tijdschrift Gedragstherapie

Attn. J.L. Wolters, editorial secretary

Weltevreden 61

3811 NR Amersfoort



Copyright and licensing

Articles published in Gedragstherapie are subject to the copyright of Boom Publishers. One year after publication, the articles are freely accessible and can be viewed on the Gedragstherapie website.


Author fees

There are no costs associated with publishing in Gedragstherapie.


Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct

The publisher (Boom) and the Editor-in-Chief (Dr. Elske Salemink) of Gedragstherapie will take reasonable steps which comprise technological and personal knowledge available to identify and block the publication of manuscripts where research misconduct has arisen, containing citation manipulation, plagiarism, and data falsification/fabrication among others.


Gedragstherapie follows COPE's guidelines in dealing with allegations.



Publication ethics

Journal policies on authorship and contributorship

Gedragstherapie requires that all who meet the following four criteria should be identified as authors. 


  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  • Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
  • Final approval of the version to be published.
  • Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


How the journal will handle complaints and appeals

Complaints and appeals will be handled in line with COPE's guidelines.


Journal policies on conflicts of interest and/or competing interests

Authors should report conflict of interests and/or competing interests in their submitted manuscripts. Competing interests arise when an individual's impartial assessment of research validity may be influenced by a secondary motive, such as financial gain.


Journal policies on data sharing and reproducibility

Gedragstherapie supports open science and data-sharing. Therefore, we encourage authors to explain the availability of their data in their submission.


Journal’s policy on ethical oversight

All manuscripts submitted to Gedragstherapie should comply with the Ethical oversight guidelines recommended by COPE.


Journal’s policy on intellectual property

Gedragstherapie is published in Delayed Open Access. All articles are freely accessible after 1 year. In the first year articles published in Gedragstherapie are subject to the copyright of Boom Publishers.


Journal’s options for post-publication discussions and corrections

If a small part of a reliable publication proves to be misleading (especially due to honest errors), editors will consider issuing corrections.


Publishing schedule

Gedragstherapie is published four times a year, in March, June, September and December.



Members of the VGCt and VVGT receive Gedragstherapie as part of their membership. They also have automatic access to the digital archive.


Prices for an annual subscription for non-association members: see Abonnementen.



Gedragstherapie's digital archive goes back to 2010; Older issues can be viewed via the VGCt office. In the event the journal will no longer be published the Stichting Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie will ensure the archive will remain accessible (e.g. via CLOCKSS or PubMedCentral).


Revenue sources

Sources of income are subscriptions, contributions from VGCt and VVGT, and advertisements.



An advertisement must fit the content of the magazine. This is examined on a case-by-case basis (for example: no advertisements from pharmaceutical companies, but advertisements from companies in further training are allowed, etc.). An average of two advertisements are included per publication.


Direct marketing

When editors approach authors to write articles, they are expected to do so without any additional purpose, such as advertising, and without misrepresenting the journal to potential authors. All contributions for Gedragstherapie must be scientifically substantiated.

Jaargang 58, nr. 1, maart 2025

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Leden van de VGCt en de VVGT loggen in via de site van hun vereniging. Als u op die site bent ingelogd als lid, vindt u daar een button naar het Tijdschrift voor Gedragstherapie.


Behavioral Therapy: Journal for Behavioral Therapy and Cognitive Therapy ISSN 0167-7454

Information in English can be found here.
